"Do you do other things than shoot music?"
- Well... not that often. I love music, and can't seem to get enough. Sometimes, though, I take on other challenges.
When asked by city officials, I shot a series of pictures of my hometown of Randers, Denmark in February, for a huge project they are working on called 'Aarhus 2017'. The aim is to make the city Aarhus (and the surrounding cities) the European Culture Capitol in 2017.
I was a member of a group selected to find ways to promote the cultural aspects of our region, and was therefore honored to also be asked to take some unusual pictures of parts of the city that has be photographed thousands of times.
Shooting for hours and hours in the sub-zero February temperatures, I fought really hard to get the best photos - and keep warm. One of the pictures (unfortuneattly not among those on display now) was a panorama picture of Randers that measurred over 13 x 1,5 metres, and took up more than 2gb.
'Red Fall' is one of the pictures on display
Most of the pictures are HDR images (High Dynamic Range), which should ensure that you get to see the landmarks of Randers in a totally new way! Read more about HDR on Wikipedia (in English) and Labconfidential.dk (in Danish).
From September 7th through September 11th, some of the pictures can be seen in a glass container on Østervold in Randers. I will be there a few times to talk to people.
Read more about it (in Danish) here: www.aarhus2017.dk
I hope to see you there!!